Updated filing fees for Conservation Commission filings

The WNCC has revised its local filing fee schedule as of August 14, 2023 for activities in areas subject to the state Wetlands Protection Act and regulations in an effort to create a more transparent, easier to follow fee schedule and to reduce some potential cost barriers to common activities that require permitting through the Conservation Commission.

Some notable changes include:

  • Filing fees have been eliminated for requests for Certificates of Compliance made prior to the expiration of an Order of Conditions;
  • Filing fees have been eliminated for requests to extend or amend existing, unexpired Orders of Conditions;
  • Filing fees to repair or replace existing failed septic systems are set at a flat fee of $100.00, regardless of the filing type or the proximity of the septic system to wetlands;
  • Notice of Intent filing fees for most activities on existing single-family house lots have been set at $200.00 regardless of proximity to wetlands or type of resource area;
  • The filing fee schedule more clearly defines different activities and their associated filing fees and sets a flat filing fee for most activities associated with developments, commercial, and industrial projects. 

All new filings to the WNCC must calculate the local filing fees according to the revised local filing fee schedule which may be viewed here: Version 2 filing fees 08/14/2023.

The local filing fees are in addition to any state filing fees. There are no changes to the state filing fees or the portion of the state filing fee which is paid to the town of West Newbury. 

If you have any questions, or if you are preparing a filing to the WNCC and are unsure how to calculate the local filing fee, please contact Michelle Greene, Conservation Agent at 978-363-1100 x126 or by email at conservation@wnewbury.org