West Newbury Food Pantry asks for your help

food pantry

As the holidays draw near, we want to let the community know of the importance of the West Newbury Food Pantry. The Pantry serves over 20 residents/families in West Newbury and surrounding areas, and monthly provides about 500 pounds of food to those in need. Each year the Pantry puts together holiday baskets which are comprised of turkey/ham, potatoes, stuffing, vegetables, cranberry sauce, rolls, cheese & crackers and dessert to help put a holiday meal on the table. These baskets are distributed in November, December and March.

The West Newbury Food Pantry collaborates with many organizations, such as Our Neighbors Table, Nourishing the North Shore and Community Service of Newburyport. It also holds local food drives at the Library, Public Safety Building, schools and neighborhood food drives.

As everyone knows, food costs have been on the rise for some time and continue to increase. We are looking for the community’s help to sustain this program. If you would like to volunteer to organize a food drive in your neighborhood, please contact Jennifer Vincent at 978-363-1100 x134. A donation of $35 could provide a holiday meal to someone in need.

If you would like to make a monetary donation, please visit the town web site at www.wnewbury.org and click on the “Pay Bills” icon. Donations can also be made by check payable to the “Town of West Newbury” and mailed to the SAGE Center, 381 Main Street, West Newbury, MA 01985. Please note on your check “Food Pantry Donation.”

The donation wish list can be found on the town web site at www.wnewbury.org/food-pantry and donations can be dropped off in the lobby of the Town Office building. Please feel free to contact Christine Marshall, COA Director, at any time for more information at 978-363-1104. Thank you!