Public Health Notice

July 2020
With all that’s been going on this year with dealing with COVID-19, the BOH would like to remind residents that there are several other important public health issues that should not be overlooked.
The MA Department of Public Health (MA DPH) has created a new interactive Arbovirus link.  This is information can be found at the following link.  This is a good time to survey your property to remove any standing water from artificial containers & replace window screens if worn or have holes.  The use of insect repellents, wearing long sleeves / pants, and avoid outdoor activities during peak mosquito hours (dusk to dawn) are ways to limit the risk of exposure to Eastern Equine Encephalitis (EEE) or West Nile Virus (WNV).  Additional information can be obtained at
With so much going on in the summer months, contracting a tick-borne disease can be often overlooked.  Some of the preventative measures are similar to that of mosquito prevention, ie, the use of insect repellents and wearing long pants.  Daily personal tick checks are very important even if you don’t think that you may have been exposed.  Additional information can be found at
The lack of significant amount of rain fall combined with a record number of hot, sunny days is a great recipe for algal blooms.  With this in mind, we may find ourselves seeing many algal blooms across the region.  Be aware and cautious if you or a family pet come into contact with any waterbody that potentially could have high levels of cyanobacteria toxins.  Additional information can be obtained at
The BOH has partnered with the American Red Cross and will be holding a Blood Drive on August 17th. The blood drive will take place at the Town Office Building Annex from 2 PM – 7 PM.  To schedule a donation time, please visit
COVID - 19:
Based on the trend across the Country as well as the continued sporadic positive cases in West Newbury, we have a long road ahead of us.  We all need to continue to practice social distancing and wearing a face covering/mask when required.  At any time, we could be infected and have no symptoms while we are actively infecting others.  Social distancing still remains VERY IMPORTANT.  If you’re sick, STAY HOME
The West Newbury Board of Health thanks all of our residents for their continued respect and support as we continue to make decisions that are in the best interest of the community.
Paul Sevigny, Health Agent
Office:  978-363-1100, x119
Cell:  978-833-7458