June 27th West Newbury Housing Opportunities Workshop

A Message from the Planning Board

Please join the Planning Board, its consultant team from Dodson and Flinker, and your friends and neighbors Tuesday, June 27th at 6 PM in the Town Offices Annex for the Housing Opportunities Initiative DESIGN WORKSHOP!

This important workshop allows you to participate and collaborate in an interactive fashion in imagining the future of housing in West Newbury.

What can you expect from our workshop?

  • a presentation at 6 PM to set the stage for the workshop
  • engaging hands-on design activities, to explore the community's preference for the design of multi-family housing, test development scenarios for Housing Opportunity sites, and clarify Town goals for the Housing Opportunities Initiative
  • light refreshments 

The workshop is scheduled for 6-9 PM.

 We look forward to seeing you there!