Historical Commission's Minute History

August's Minute History- Brigadier General James Brickett, Doctor, Soldier


West Newbury Historical Commission’s Minute History

Brigadier General James Brickett, Doctor, Soldier

August’s Minute History concerns West Newbury-born Doctor Brigadier General James Brickett, whose “watch out for what you wish for” experience is the stuff of history and song. Brickett’s military career began in the French and Indian War and during the Revolution, saw him leading militia troops at the battles of Bunker Hill and Saratoga. After their decisive victory at Saratoga, the Americans found themselves saddled with almost 6,000 prisoners of war. At a time when the colonists could barely feed and clothe themselves, Brickett was charged with marching the captives to Cambridge. He accomplished this with his own funds, but was never repaid, except with a march tune in his honor. Click here to read all about it.