COVID-19 Update #12

West Newbury Board of Health
Since the Board of Health’s last update on July 24th, two additional residents have tested positive for COVID-19. This brings our total confirmed cases to 14 in West Newbury.  All of these individuals have completed an isolation protocol and have recovered from their illness.  They were supported, monitored, and interviewed for contact tracing to identify additional potentially infected individuals by West Newbury’s Public Health Nurse according to MDPH guidelines. 
Currently in Massachusetts an increase in positive cases associated with social gatherings are concerning to many public health officials.  With that said, the Governor issued Order #46 which took effect on August 11th. This new order reduced the individuals allowed in a gathering to 50, as well as extended the order to include private property.  The full order can be viewed at
We are currently in Phase III, Step 1 of the State’s reopening / recovery plan.  Based on the recent Governor’s order we are at a standstill and may see the further tightening up of restrictions.  We all need to continue practicing social distancing, wearing face coverings, washing hands frequently, cover cough & sneezes, clean & sanitize frequently and monitor our health daily.  At any time, we could be infected and have no symptoms while we are actively infecting others.  If you’re sick, STAY HOME.  The newest travel ban Order #45 can be viewed at
The Board of Health has been actively involved in the school districts planning for the upcoming school year and will continue to be engaged as we move into the school reopening phase.  We would like to thank all of our residents for their continued support, respect, and consideration of others as we all work to decrease the spread of this virus.
If you think you have been exposed to COVID-19, or if you develop a fever and respiratory symptoms such as a cough or difficulty breathing, call your healthcare provider immediately.
For more information, the following websites can be reviewed.   MA Department of Public Health (DPH) website at:
  & the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) website at:
CONTACT: Paul Sevigny, Health Agent
Office: 978-363-1100, x119
Cell: 978-833-7458