Memorial Day Parade Policy DRAFT

Invitation for Public Comment, Updated Draft
Memorial Day

The Board of Selectmen is seeking public comment on the attached Memorial Day Parade policy here

Following the 2019 Memorial Day Parade, at its September 3rd and September 16th meetings, the Board discussed whether it would recommend adoption of rules to formalize the process for organizing and overseeing this annual Town tradition.  Leading up to these meetings, the Board was provided copies of all public comments that had been received by Town personnel, as well as copies of various related discussion threads on social media.  At the Board's direction, and based on citizen input and research regarding other communities' practices, the Town Counsel prepared an initial draft of Parade Rules which were reviewed at the Board of Selectmen meeting on November 12th.

The attached DRAFT Rules reflect the Board's discussion that evening, and were circulated for broader public comment. Having received many thoughtful public comments, the Board has placed this item on the December 23rd meeting agenda with the intent to adopt Rules that would take effect leading up to planning for the 2020 Parade.

Comments may be presented in person at the Board of Selectmen or Town Manager's office, and may be sent via email to

Thank you for your assistance as we work toward a framework that will continue and enhance this annual event!


2019 West Newbury Memorial Day Parade