Make sure to fill out your 2023 Local Census/Street Listing

To avoid a second mailing please return your 2023 Census/Street Listing

The Town Clerk's Office has sent out this years Annual Local Census/Street Listing. 


If you have not already, please sign the form mailed to you and return your census/street listing by emailing a photo of your signed form to,

mailing it back with the envelope provided, or drop it off in the lobby at Town Offices. If you have misplaced your form click here for a blank copy.


If you are unsure if you have already filled out your census please feel free to contact the Town Clerk's Office by email or phone 978-363-1100.


Additionally if you would like to sign up for Vote-by-mail for this years local election click here to download a form to return to the Town Clerk's Office.

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